
Linnut magazine
Linnut magazine, published quarterly by BirdLife Finland, is Finland’s most popular birding magazine. It is written in Finnish and its topics range from birds and birdwatching to bird protection and research. The colourful magazine contains at least 52 pages and is meant for everyone interested in birds.
BirdLife magazine
BirdLife magazine is BirdLife Finland’s membership magazine and published three times a year. The magazine presents the organization’s and its member societies’ events and conservation work as well as current topics in the bird world, and acts as a point of contact for birdwatchers. Only in Finnsih.
Linnut yearbook
The yearbook of the Linnut magazine is a research-focused publication. It contains e.g. wide annual reviews of bird ringing, birds of prey, endangered species and rarities. The yearly magazine is the most comprehensive information package on Finnish bird monitoring. The articles include short English summaries.
Ornis Fennica
Ornis Fennica is a peer-reviewed international ornithological journal. BirdLife Finland has published it since 2005, but the series has altogether been published since 1924. The journal is in English, with abstracts in Finnish or in Swedish.
Bird magazine portal
The Bird magazine portal (in Finnish: lintulehtiportaali) is a publication platform for BirdLife Finland and its member societies. Thousands of articles, observation reviews, bulletins and other contents published in bird magazines have been uploaded there. BirdLife Finland’s publications are open to everyone.
BirdLife – the Magazine
BirdLife – the Magazine is an English-language magazine published quarterly by BirdLife International. The high-quality magazine has articles and news about international bird conservation projects and endangered bird species, among others.